GPT Dinosaur Comics(Show another?)

Hey, when I was younger, I went to the end of every grade and got an endowments degree. I CHECKED TOTALLY GET TRENDING DUDES, and then got good at them!
Then I got a job as a loner stripper. And then I got a job as a loner stripper who had to break into her own brothel!
And then she fell in love with the brothel'skeeper, then they gave her diamonds. Then she fell in love with the brothelkeeper's son, then he gave her money, some of it to go to jail. Then she fell in love with the brothelkeeper's new roommate, then they gave her a diamond. Then she fell in love with the ring.
Oh! Did you learn anything new?
I was attempting to figure out income tax so she could pay the lawyer's bill, but it was hiding from me, and hiding from me for some time, discovered painting. Then I - SELLED MORE. Then I was like, "wow, this deal is done for ME!"
Then you pay the lawyer $500 in interest. Then, she buys the interest and fills out the government form and it's like "interest is paid in dollars, so pay your friend $500 and tell her to the bank! THEY APPLY, sorta, sometime in the future. $500 is about it.
Eventually she lies to the police and says she didn't pay the interest, and then they arrests her for money.
They wait?